وب هاستینگ دارکوب

وب هاستینگ دارکوب

آدرس وب سایت: http://www.joomir.com ایمیل: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

just install CB Admin Menu Navigation v. 1.6 Module go to module manager open CB Admin Menu Navigation v. 1.6 and enable it in ( position >> menu ) and ( option >> Alternative Layout )
پنجشنبه ، 3 شهریور 1390 ، 11:30

Community Builder comprofiler cb installation problem joomla 1.7

just install CB Admin Menu Navigation v. 1.6 Module go to module manager open CB Admin Menu Navigation v. 1.6 and enable it in ( position >> menu ) and ( option >> Alternative Layout )
just install CB Admin Menu Navigation v. 1.6 Module go to module manager open CB Admin Menu Navigation v. 1.6 and enable it in ( position >> menu ) and ( option >> Alternative Layout )
سه شنبه ، 1 شهریور 1390 ، 05:39

joomla 1.6 and 1.7 right to left ( RTL ) menu

برای محدود کردن عرض متن درون div و یا هر تگ دیگری از کد زیر استفاده نمایید:

white-space: pre-wrap;      /* CSS3 */      
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Firefox */       
white-space: -pre-wrap;     /* Opera <7 */      
white-space: -o-pre-wrap;   /* Opera 7 */       
word-wrap: break-word;      /* IE */


يكشنبه ، 30 مرداد 1390 ، 11:48

Wrap text inside div

for wrapping text inside div use this code for all browser:

white-space: pre-wrap;      /* CSS3 */      
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Firefox */       
white-space: -pre-wrap;     /* Opera <7 */      
white-space: -o-pre-wrap;   /* Opera 7 */       
word-wrap: break-word;      /* IE */

دوشنبه ، 24 مرداد 1390 ، 05:23

فارسی jobboard مخصوص جوملا 1.6 و 1.7

نرم افزار jobboard نرم افزاری جهت راه اندازی سیستم استخدام در جوملا می باشد


يكشنبه ، 23 مرداد 1390 ، 11:04

فارسی Adsmanager مخصوص جوملا 1.6 و 1.7

نرم افزار adsmanager نرم افزاری جهت راه اندازی سیستم تبلیغات در جوملا می باشد


يكشنبه ، 23 مرداد 1390 ، 09:58

Convert Gregorian to Hijri ( Arabic )

PHP class converting date from gregorian to hijri ( arabic ) ( Islamic )

class ICalendar {

 var $ac_date = array(
  'year' => "",
  'month' => "",
  'monthname' => "",
  'day' => "",
  'dayname' => ""
 var $ac_date_g = array(
  'year' => "",
  'month' => "",
  'monthname' => "",
  'day' => "",
  'dayname' => ""
    var $year;
 var $month;
 var $day;
 var $monthname;
 var $dayname;

 var $julianday;

 var $AC_Adaynames = array(
        0 => "",
        1 => "",
        2 => "",
        3 => "", 
        4 => "",
        5 => "",
        6 => ""
 var $AC_Gdaynames = array(
        '0' => "",
        '1' => "",
        '2' => "",
        '3' => "",
        '4' => "",
        '5' => "",
        '6' => ""
 var $AC_AMonthName = array(
      '1' => "1",
   '2' => "2",
   '3' => "3",
   '4' => "4",
   '5' => "5",
   '6' => "6",
   '7' => "7",
   '8' => "8",
   '9' => "9",
   '10' => "10",
   '11' => "11",
   '12' => "12"

  Returns True if is an islamic Leap Year
  @param $ayear : a year !==0.
   function IslamicLeapYear($aYear)
  if ((((11 * $aYear) + 14) % 30) < 11)
   return true;
   return false;  

  Returns Last day in month during year on the Islamic calendar.
  @param $ayear : a year !==0.
   function LastDayOfIslamicMonth ($Year, $aMonth)
  if ((($aMonth % 2) == 1) or (($aMonth == 12) and IslamicLeapYear($aYear)))
   return 30;
   return 29;
      Constructs a day with a given year, month, and day.
      @param aYear a year !== 0
      @param aMonth a month between 1 and 12
      @param aDate a date between 1 and 31
   function Ac_Day($aYear, $aMonth, $aDate)
  $this->year  = $aYear;
  $this->month = $aMonth;
  $this->acdate  = $aDate;

   Convert from Georgian date to Islamic date.
      @param GYear a year !== 0
      @param GMonth a month between 1 and 12
      @param GDate a date between 1 and 31
   function GregorianToIslamic($GYear, $GMonth, $GDay)
  $y = $GYear;  
  $m = $GMonth;
  $d = $GDay;
  if (( $y > 1582 ) || (( $y == 1582 ) && ( $m > 10 )) || (( $y == 1582 ) && ( $m == 10 ) && ( $d > 14 )))
   $jd = (int)(( 1461 * ( $y + 4800 + (int)(( $m - 14 ) / 12 )))/ 4) + (int)(( 367 * ( $m - 2 - 12 * ((int)(( $m - 14 ) / 12)))) / 12) - (int)(( 3 * ((int)(( $y + 4900+ (int)(( $m - 14) / 12) ) / 100))) / 4)+ $d - 32075;
  } else {
   $jd = 367 * $y - (int)(( 7 * ( $y + 5001 + (int)(( $m - 9 ) / 7))) / 4) + (int)(( 275 * $m) / 9) + $d + 1729777;
  $this->julianday = $jd;
  $this->ac_date['dayname'] = $this->Ac_getDayName( $jd % 7 );
  $l = $jd - 1948440 + 10632;
  $n = (int)(( $l - 1 ) / 10631);
  $l = $l - 10631 * $n + 354;
  $j = ( (int)(( 10985 - $l ) / 5316)) * ( (int)(( 50 * $l) / 17719)) + ( (int)( $l / 5670 )) * ( (int)(( 43 * $l ) / 15238 ));
  $l = $l - ( (int)(( 30 - $j ) / 15 )) * ( (int)(( 17719 * $j ) / 50)) - ( (int)( $j / 16 )) * ( (int)(( 15238 * $j ) / 43 )) + 29;
  $m = (int)(( 24 * $l ) / 709 );
  $d = $l - (int)(( 709 * $m ) / 24);
  $y = 30 * $n + $j - 30;
  $this->ac_date['year'] = $y;
  $this->ac_date['month'] = $m;
  $this->ac_date['day'] = $d;
  $this->ac_date['monthname'] = $this->Ac_getMonthName($m);
  return $this->ac_date;

   Convert from Islamic date to Georgian date.
      @param IYear a year !== 0
      @param IMonth a month between 1 and 12
      @param IDate a date between 1 and 31
   function IslamicToGregorian($IYear, $IMonth, $IDay)
  $y = $IYear;  
  $m = $IMonth;
  $d = $IDay;
  $jd = (int)((11*$y+3)/30)+354*$y+30*$m-(int)(($m-1)/2)+$d+1948440-385;
//  $jd = (int)((11*$y+3)/30)+354*y+30*$m-(int)(($m-1)/2)+$d+1948440-385;
  $this->julianday = $jd;
  $this->ac_date_g[dayname] = $this->Ac_getGDayName( $jd % 7 );
  if ($jd> 2299160 )
  } else {

  $this->ac_date_g[day] = $d;
  $this->ac_date_g[month] = $m;
  $this->ac_date_g[year] = $y;
  $this->ac_date_g[monthname] = $this->Ac_getGMonthName($m);
  return $this->ac_date_g;

      Returns the Julian day
      @return the year
   function Ac_getJulianDay()
  return $this->julianday;
      Returns the year of this day
      @return the year
   function Ac_getYear()
  return $this->year;

      Returns the month of this day
      @return the month
   function Ac_getMonth()
  return $this->month;  

      Returns the name of the day
      @return the day name
   function Ac_getDayName($aDay)
  switch ($aDay)
   case 0: return $this->AC_Adaynames[0];

   case 1: return $this->AC_Adaynames[1];

   case 2: return $this->AC_Adaynames[2];
   case 3: return $this->AC_Adaynames[3];
   case 4: return $this->AC_Adaynames[4];
   case 5: return $this->AC_Adaynames[5];
   case 6: return $this->AC_Adaynames[6];

      Returns the English name of the day
      @return the day name
   function Ac_getGDayName($aDay)
  switch ($aDay)
   case 0: return $this->AC_Gdaynames[0];

   case 1: return $this->AC_Gdaynames[1];

   case 2: return $this->AC_Gdaynames[2];
   case 3: return $this->AC_Gdaynames[3];
   case 4: return $this->AC_Gdaynames[4];
   case 5: return $this->AC_Gdaynames[5];
   case 6: return $this->AC_Gdaynames[6];
      Returns the name of the islamic month
      @return the day name
   function Ac_getMonthName($aMonth)
  switch ($aMonth)
   case 1: return "محرم";

   case 2: return "صفر";
   case 3: return "ربیع‌الاول";
   case 4: return "ربیع‌الثانی";
   case 5: return "جمادی‌الاول";
   case 6: return "جمادی‌الثانی";
   case 7: return "رجب";
   case 8: return "شعبان";
   case 9: return "رمضان";
   case 10: return "شوال";
   case 11: return "ذی‌القعده";

   case 12: return "ذی‌الحجه";

      Returns the month number
      @return the day name
   function Ac_getGMonthName($aMonth)
  switch ($aMonth)
   case 1: return 1;

   case 2: return 2;
   case 3: return 3;
   case 4: return 4;
   case 5: return 5;
   case 6: return 6;
   case 7: return 7;
   case 8: return 8;
   case 9: return 9;
   case 10: return 10;
   case 11: return 11;

   case 12: return 12;
      Returns the date of this day
      @return the date
   function Ac_getDate()
  return $this->year;  

      Returns a day that is a certain number of days away from
      this day
      @param n the number of days, can be negative
      @return a day that is n days away from this one
   function Ac_addDays($n)

      Returns the number of days between this day and another
      @param other the other day
      @return the number of days that this day is away from
      the other (>0 if this day comes later)
   function Ac_daysFrom($Dayother)


$acalend = new ICalendar();
$today = getdate();
$dan = $today['mday'];
$mje = $today['mon'];
$god = $today['year'];
 $acdate=$acalend->GregorianToIslamic($GYear, $GMonth, $GDay);
 $AYear = $acdate['year'];

شنبه ، 22 مرداد 1390 ، 07:44

فارسی jvotesystem مخصوص جوملا 1.6 و 1.7

نرم افزار jvotesystem نرم افزاری جهت راه اندازی سیستم نظر سنجی در جوملا می باشد


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